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Time tracking

Time tracking offers a precise and timely method for recording actual work hours.

Mikko Prii avatar
Written by Mikko Prii
Updated over a week ago


Time tracking is a paid feature that offers employees a consistent method to record their shift start and end times in real time. This will resolve the problem of people submitting their work hours late and potentially forgetting or providing inaccurate data. Employees have the option to manually clock in and out without the need for on-site attendance verification. Alternatively, you can use Smart Kiosk and on-site QR code scanning as an additional layer of verification. To learn more about Smart Kiosk, refer to our documentation here.


Go to the Preferences to change your Time tracking configuration. You can either toggle the entire time tracking module on/off or individually configure time tracking methods such as "Manual" and "Smart Kiosk".



To use the time tracking features, you must subscribe. The subscription is activated from Preferences by scrolling to the Time tracking section and clicking the "Subscribe" button. Then, you will be informed that it’s a paid feature. If you want to start tracking time, click on "Subscribe". To learn more about pricing, refer to our documentation here.


Once you enter your payment details, you will receive a 1-month free trial. If you are checking out as a business and are eligible for VAT, choose the "I'm purchasing as a business option". Click “Start trial” to use the Time tracking professional functionality. To learn more about billing, refer to our documentation here, or please contact [email protected] for assistance.

Manual clock-in

After checking out, you can enable employees to clock in and out directly without on-site verification:

  1. Go to Preferences and scroll down to the section "Manual"

  2. Toggle the switch to the "on" state to enable it

To clock in manually:

  1. Open the “Heybegin app” on your hone:

  2. Navigate to Dashboard

  3. If you have scheduled shifts for today, you will see a "Clock-in" button that you can click. If no shifts are scheduled, you can press the “+” button and initiate an unscheduled clock-in by selecting the "Clock-in" quick action.

Smart Kiosk

To enable verified on-site clock-in, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the section "Smart Kiosk"

  2. Click the "Setup Kiosk" button to begin the Kiosk and QR code setup

To clock in with on-site QR code verification:

  1. Open the “Heybegin app” on your mobile phone

  2. Navigate to Dashboard

  3. If you have scheduled shifts for today, you will see a "Clock-in" button that you can click. If no shifts are scheduled, you can press the “+” button and initiate an unscheduled clock-in by selecting the "Clock-in" quick action

  4. Scan the QR code to clock in

To learn more about setting up a Smart Kiosk for the first time, refer to our documentation here.

Time rounding

Time rounding can be used to round the start and end times reported by employees. To enable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the section titled "Time rounding"

  2. Toggle the switch to the "on" state

  3. Choose duration in minutes for:

    1. before start time

    2. after start time

    3. before end time

    4. after end time

  4. Press the “Save” button

Your selected duration will create a rounding period before the initial scheduled shift start and end times. Here is an example to help you understand how it works. If "before start time" is set to 15 minutes, the scheduled shift start time is 08:00, and the employee clocks in at 07:50, the rounding will round the start time to 08:00. Clock-ins that occur between 7:45-8:00 will always be rounded to 08:00. Any time that occurred before 7:45 will not be rounded.

Auto clock out

This feature helps prevent situations where employees forget to clock out, causing the timer to run endlessly. To enable auto clock out, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the section titled "Auto clock out"

  2. Choose duration in minutes

  3. Press the “Save” button

Now, all shifts that have been clocked in will automatically be clocked out when the shift reaches the specified duration for automatic clock-out.

Report time manually

It is a free alternative to time tracking. Employees do not need to clock in or out. They can manually report their actual work time. To enable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Scroll down to the section titled "Report time manually"

  2. Toggle the switch to the "on" state

To report time manually:

  1. Open the “Heybegin app” on your mobile phone:

  2. Navigate to Dashboard

  3. If you have scheduled shifts for today, you will see a "Report time" button that you can click.

  4. Enter your actual start and end time

  5. Press “Submit”e

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