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Export reports

The Export Reports offers a simple way to retrieve data from Heybegin.

Mikko Prii avatar
Written by Mikko Prii
Updated over a week ago


The Export Reports feature is available for a fee. It allows you to easily export data, such as employee names, working hours, and time-offs, to CSV or Excel file formats. This data can be modified or shared with third parties, such as accountants.



To access this feature, you must first subscribe. You can activate your subscription by clicking the "Export" button on the Reports page. You will be shown that Export Reports is a paid functionality. Click on β€œUnlock & Export” if you wish to subscribe, and start exporting your data. To learn more about pricing, refer to our documentation here.


Once you enter your payment details, you will receive a 1-month free trial. If you are checking out as a business and are eligible for VAT, choose the "I'm purchasing as a business" option. Click β€œStart trial” to use the Export Reports professional functionality. To learn more about billing, refer to our documentation here, or please contact [email protected] for assistance.


After checkout, you can start exporting. Click on "Export" and choose the file format you would like to export the data.

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